During the summer, wall insulation will reduce the amount of heat coming in through the walls and help contain the coolness within your home. The South & West facing walls are often referred to as the “hot walls”, the sun tends to bake on them causing the walls to be hot. These heated walls often tend to radiate heat into the home even well after sundown. Once insulated, the heat entering the home is dramatically reduced.
Wall insulation is usually done when the home is about to be re-painted, re-stuccoed or texture-coated. The reason for this is due to the many holes we must drill on the face of the walls. Wall insulation can not be injected through the attic area nor from underneath the home. We have to drill holes on the face of the wall, from either the exterior or interior.
Insulation has significant sound proofing benefits that add peace and quiet to a personal residence or commercial structure. When selecting an insulation material, the most important environmental consideration is its performance and suitability for your application. Our experienced staff will guide you through choosing the right insulation for your residential or commercial applications.